Gun Targets and Eye Aiming Marks

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The term "gun target" more properly termed "pistol target" or "shooting gun target," is used to refer to any of a variety of targets specifically made for shooting practice or competition. While often supplied with realistic looking digital images of the target, these targets are never designed for any kind of hunting. Rather, they are used to test the shooter's accuracy, ability to follow through, and mental focus. Gun Targets can be used in a variety of shooting sports, including pistol shooting, rifle shooting, and hunting.

Gun Targets are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and configurations. A popular style is a set of three (3) guns targets aligned at equal angles to each other and aimed toward the crosshairs on the target. Another popular style is a set of five (5) gun targets aligned parallel to each other and aimed toward the center of the target. And yet another popular style is a series of fifteen (15) gun targets aligned equally on an X pattern, with each of the fifteen (15) gun targets being split in half down the middle. Gun Targets can be custom made and some manufacturers even offer to etch names or logos into gun targets. Read more, visit

So, what are some of the factors to consider when choosing a gun target? First, the size of the target should reflect its purpose. Are you targeting younger children or more experienced hunters? Next, the target from websiteshould be easily visible from a standing or sitting position, as well as easy to aim at through the use of eyesight. Finally, the gun target itself should be a reflection of the shooter's eye and should be designed with the safety of the shooter in mind.

What are some of the characteristics to look for when choosing a gun target? First, the target should be designed as a mirror image of the shooter's eye and be easily seen in a standing position. It must also be relatively flat, so that shots are easily impacted by recoil. The gun target shown in fig. 6, which is a rear elevation view of the bottom plan view of the target, shows how the eye would be directed to target after sighting in.

How are distances measured? In general, a reasonable measurement of distance would be one foot to the inch. For longer guns, however, this measurement can change considerably. For example, an 8-pound gun would not always equal one foot to the inch because it would naturally recoil to a considerable distance. Likewise, the height of the pistol targetscould also affect the measure of distance.

What is the relationship between the distance at which the eye has to be trained from the gun target and the distance at which the bullets leave the gun? If the eye has to be trained from the gun target to be seen clearly, it must be at the same distance as the bullet actually leaves the barrel of the gun. When the gun is fired, the bullet zigzags along a trajectory that may be several feet to sight in, depending on how accurately the shooter is able to hit the target. The length of the "drift" or the time from the moment the bullet leaves the barrel until the time the bullet reaches the eye, is called the "zero time" or the zero train. Any object with a greater magnitude than a bullet will have a greater "zero time," while any smaller magnitude object will have a smaller zero time.